Executive Committee of the Porwal Society
Dr. Ravindra Kumar Porwal
Shri Vidur Narayan Porwal
Senior Vice President
Shri Kapil Porwal
Vice President
Shri Harish Purwar
Shri Ajay Gupta
Joint Secretary
Mr. Pawan Porwal
Regional Vice Presidents
Mr. Jay Prakash Gupta
Regional Vice Presidents
Mr. Manu Kumar Gupta
Regional Vice Presidents
Mr. Anil Kumar Gupta
Regional Vice Presidents
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Purwar
Regional Vice Presidents
Mr. Alok Porwal
Regional Vice Presidents
Mr. Pankaj Gupta
Regional Vice Presidents
Mr. Mukundi Lal Gupta
Regional Vice Presidents
Mr. Suresh Chandra Gupta
Regional Vice Presidents
Mr. Vivek Kumar
Regional Vice Presidents
Mrs. Vandana Gupta
Cultural Secretary
Mrs. Baby Gupta
Cultural Secretary
Mr. Uttam Purwar
Cultural Secretary
Mrs. Ritu Gupta
Cultural Secretary
Mr. Satya Prakash Gupta
Executive Members
Mr. Vishal Porwal
Executive Members
Mr. Ashok Kumar Gupta
Executive Members
Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta
Executive Members
Mrs. Mona Gupta
Executive Members
Mrs. Vandana Porwal
Executive Members